Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Dollar Store Adventures

I would just like to inform the lady "in front of me" in line at Dollar Tree that:

- If you are in the general vicinity of the cash registers, it doesn't actually make it clear that you are in fact, in line.

- Browsing the sunglasses rack while in the general vicinity of the cash registers actually makes it look like you are more "still shopping" and less "ready to checkout, therefore standing in line."

So that's why I was standing awkwardly there, trying to figure out just how to get in line behind the person who was putting their 127 individual dollar items on the conveyor.  It's also why I was a little confused/annoyed when our conversation consisted of,

You: "Um, are you with her?" (pointing to person obviously mentioned)
Me: "" (furrowed brow)  "Are you in line?"
You: "Um, yes!" (turning to check to make sure you'd seen ALL of the sunglasses choices)

It took a lot for me to not jab you with my $1 pool noodle.


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